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  • 21mkizas

why I chose the name ' Elegance'

to start the whole naming processes I sat down and mind mapped what other potential names I could go for i just gave my self a 10 min goal to see what I could come up with and then decide on which one I liked the best. I decided to come up with the names I've listed then started the process of eliminations

the reason I didn't go with 'she' is because I thought it was to broad and didn't have enough meaning behind it I wanted something catchy and something that stood out at the top of my page. I also decided not to go with 'delight' as I simply did not like it it, it sounded very childish and not what I wanted the magazine to portray. lastly I did not go with 'proud' as I thought if people read something they might not agree with it would be considered controversial as we would be 'proud' of something that is considered bad in others eyes.

I finally decided on elegance as it's a action most girls and people want to be and if they think taking advice from our magazine will make them elegant then it will be worth it. the word elegance means being graceful and stylish in an appearance or a manner. this was my goal for a magazine is to show new and up coming stylish trends along with graceful attitudes

  • elegance

  • she

  • delight

  • proud

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