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music analysis- hit me baby one more time- Britney spears

Updated: Sep 7, 2022

The music video 'hit me baby one more time' conveys the artist, Britney spears as a student in a high school.

the narrative focuses on on her one sided love for a boy in her school. the establishing shot when the music starts to play it shows her sitting in her classroom tired and bored. The other people and students in the classroom are also bored and are waiting to be let go from their class the up close shot of the clock ticking could symbolize that they are all growing inpatient while they wait for the bell to go off.

one of the characters presented is a middle aged somewhat boring female teacher. her personality seems quite low and tired compared to Britney's high energy along with her high enthusiasm. the teachers costume is very boring, grey, bland and nothing special something that goes with the schools dress code. with the teacher following the dress code it shows she is very uptight and follows the rules very pedantic of her another example of her being pedantic is her waiting every second and minute until she lets out her class and making sure that they all do their work correctly. however compared to Britney's outfit it show's how the teacher is correct to follow the dress code as Britney's is very revealing and could be deemed as a sexual outfit. it is meant to be a normal school girl uniform but Britney has made her own alterations and conversions to make her self more desirable and attractive to the audience members. to me this is a negative/oppositional response to some as she is meant to be a child in her story and in real life so her sexualizing these outfits has a negative effect on actual school girl attending school members. to me this is a negative/oppositional response to some as she is meant to be a child in her story and in real life so her sexualizing these outfits has a negative effect on actual school girl attending school.

in the second verse we see the students portrayed in a a very stereotypical way in the baggy clothes and the and the type of environment they are in- the almost playground/courtyard environment you see in standard American movies/shows this music video can be classed as experimental as it's got both a performance and a story line to it.

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