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  • 21mkizas

initial ideas <3

Updated: May 19, 2022

some of my initial ideas where to convey uniqueness and the difference in other people, how no two people are the same. for example some of the celebrities'/ actors that I noted down were: Dylan Obrien, Taylor swift, childish Gambino, the weekend , chase Atlantic, Mitski, Rihanna, Lana del ray. I chose some of these celebrities and artists as they to me speak some sort of uniqueness and difference. I am a student so I'm also learning and I've got a commitment to learn. I have also noted some of my fears and this is both physical and mental fears for example I am scared of heights and spiders but I am also scared of being alone and not finding the right people to hang out with or someone to have this also links into one of my bubbles that is noted 'trust issues' I feel to a certain extent everyone has trust issues it just on different levels. I come from a multicultural household and do speak another language I feel like this makes me unique as other people might be multicultural but we all have our own ways to celebrate and carryout some traditions. one of my last points on my bubble is that I am the oldest sibling so this means the responsibilities of being a role model and some one the younger siblings look up to are on the oldest which I don't think is to fair. each sibling is going to be different which also comes into the theme of difference and uniqueness. we all came from the same people however due to our friends, our interests and our environments we have all turned out differently no 2 people will be the same.

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