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  • 21mkizas

change of project

to begin with I was starting with a music video but once I got started and putting all the clips together I started to realise that it wasn't for me personally. when starting the magazine project I found it easier as personally I love fashion and experimenting with new ideas and trends to put out. when doing my magazine I wanted it to have more of a summer feels as that's when I think people are most interested in clothes and fashion. everyone wants to keep up to date with the latest trends and upcoming trends. the brief for the magazine was some what the same for a music video the target audience were for 16-25 year old so I just have to keep in mid fashion trends for both younger and older readers while keeping in mind prices ranges as most 16 year old's don't work compared to 25 years old's who mostly have a stable full time job.

To keep the magazine more fun and summer like I used natural/ vibrant colours like pinks oranges and browns not only does this catch the attention of the target audience. I also want to add pictures of holiday destinations and holiday outfits to help people visually rather than them wanting to read.

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