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big for your boots- Stormzy

Updated: Sep 7, 2022

the music video big for your boots represents Stormzy to be known but sometimes forgotten in the urban settings places like London

in this music video we are not really given a story line or narrative to help us through the music video is self. in the video Stormzy seems to cater to everyone's social group as we have groups of young women at the very start of the video the worm are presented a rather masculine and not very feminine almost as if he is saying what men can do women can. then we a shown and taken to see urban flat blocks by showing this it shows Stormzy correlation to is urban background and how he might relate to these settings and then we are taken to a scene with men who are young and middle aged but they seem to be represented as aggressive and violent which is kind of an opposite representation of another women we see she seems to be very 'sexy', pretty and perfect just floating in the open top car. to me this shows a representation of women almost as a side character to the men in these videos as they (the geezers, Stormzy and then the masculine women at the begining) are doing a lot more for example dancing Lip syncing running fighting and shouting however the pretty girl does nothing and just sits there which gives a negative representation to other pretty females and portrays them as a pretty face and nothing more as they are only meant there for the male gaze and the appeal of her to draw other men and listens out there, just because one is pretty doesn't mean they cannot be smart hard working or determined.

this type of music is considered drill/grime music and certain connotations come this this genre of music things like crime, violence, gangs, drugs and poverty. after a certain point into the song we see police lights as they flash blue and red however we never see the police car it's self this connotates no matter how okay you think you are in this lifestyle the police and getting caught may be closer. this criminal/violent lifestyle is then carried on through out the song as we see another block of flats that contain white men with bruised up faces probably from fighting or other violent actions. being this violent and aggressive may come off as a negative for some as it can be gruesome and unethical some may see it as uplifting and powerful and male dominance and power is being shown off andhow their masculinity is being shown and they are also shown as strong and doing whatever to keep the money income in and be stable almost as if they are the man off the house. sometimes we don't know why some people resort to violence to eat their life going but it could also be the only way for some people to be heard and seen to seem powerful to others so they won't get threatened by others

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